Club competitions will be held monthly from February to October inclusive.
The club calendar is to be referred to for dates of each type of competition
Competitions will be held on a Sunday except in special circumstances
Each competition is classed as an individual round
Hosted competitions on the club grounds will be counted towards awards on the same basis as club competitions
Five field competitions
Five unmarked safari competitions
AWARDS OPEN – includes non-members of TLFA FIELD
*An archer’s three (3) highest scores will be used to calculate award recipients.
Divisional places
Trophies will be awarded in all divisions (maximum three [3] places). If there is only one competitor in a division, provided they have recorded three (3) scores, a trophy will be awarded
*An archer’s three (3) highest scores will be used to calculate award recipients.
Divisional places
Trophies will be awarded in all divisions (maximum three [3] places). If there is only one competitor in a division, provided they have recorded three (3) scores, a trophy will be awarded
MOST IMPROVED A trophy will be awarded for the greatest improvement, over all divisions, from the first score recorded and consistency of shooting.
ARCHER OF THE YEAR The highest combined total of both round types i.e., an archer’s best three (3) Field scores plus their best three (3) Unmarked Safari scores will be used to calculate the Archer of the Year.
The Craig Hair perpetual trophy will be awarded for the highest score overall in male divisions.
The Denise Johnston perpetual trophy will be awarded for the highest score overall in female divisions.
MARKS PERSON OF THE YEAR The highest combined total of Xs (from an archer’s best three (3) Field X scores plus their best three (3) “pro spots” Unmarked Safari scores) will be used to calculate the Marks Person of the year.
The Coastal Archery perpetual trophy will be awarded to the Marks Person of the Year.
*If NSW Forestry closures affect the number of competitions held this number will be amended to allow for calculations for the awards.
Joeys up to 7 years Cubs 8 to 12 years Cadets 13 to 15 years
Juniors 16 to 17 years Open 18+ Veterans 60+
Compound sighted Compound unsighted Recurve sighted Recurve unsighted Traditional i.e. longbow.
At their first competition cubs, cadets or juniors can apply, in writing, to shoot in a higher age division for the year. Nominations must be approved by the club coach, the score recorder and have parental consent. If approval is given then the archer must shoot in the higher division for the entire year. Forms are available from the club secretary and at club competitions.
When an archer’s age division changes during the year due to birth date the following applies:
a) if the archer’s birthday is before 1st July then the archer is to shoot in the age division that they will be in as of that birthday. For example, if an archer in the cub division turns 13 before the 1st of July then that archer shoots as a cadet.
b) if the archer’s birthday is after 1st July then the archer must nominate at their first competition the age division for the year. For example, if an archer turns 13 after the 1st of July then that archer can choose to shoot as a cub or a cadet. This decision carries through for the year until awards are given.
Scores from one division do not carry forward for calculating the awards. For example, when an archer who begins competing in the unsighted division changes to the sighted division the scores in the unsighted division would cease to accrue. However, if the archer in this example, has accrued the appropriate number of scores in the unsighted division he/she would be eligible for a trophy in that division.
Distance Badges: Members can now attain badges for the following distances:
5m (Joey’s only), 10m, 20m, 30m, 40m, 50m, and 60m.
To attain badges, you must shoot 4 arrows into the target’s face twice in one session and have this confirmed by a coach.